UROLOGY interstitial cystitis IC bladder pain RAW FOOD DIET

DIET BLOG - Natural remedies for Interstitial Cystitis or IC - an autoimmune disease with chronic pelvic pain, urinary frequency and bladder inflammation.

July 2014 by Chloé L'Amour, M.A. Human Services | Marriage & Family Counseling, B.S. Psychology | Visual Communication Arts

Diary of an IC patient's journey - - strictly gathered from my own torturing experiences versus a positive path to natural healing with nature.

My name is Chloé L'Amour. I am among the millions of men and women who have Interstitial Cystitis (in-tur-STISH-ul sis-TIE-tis). I was officially diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis or IC in 2014. Yet, I was misdiagnosed in 2008 by the first urologist, claiming I had to "re-potty train myself." Altogether, I have lived a traumatized life incorporating IC that dates up to nearly 9 years! I am an advocate for all women on planet earth who simply suffer with an IC lifestyle or bladder pain syndrome (also IC/BPS).

In order to enlighten yourself, please visit my new website at:


Thank you for all the visits.  All data has been transferred to the updated and more organized link above with new information for IC patients.

Hopefully you will find my website somewhat intriguing, yet, an important tool to study for yourself. Graduate school taught me that it’s crucial to gather all your research and test it in the real world. And this is exactly what I am doing to heal myself naturally.

★ https://www.youtube.com/user/InterstitialCystiti (IC VIDEOS - ETC) ★